Search Engine Optimization. SEO. Google Algorithm. Core Updates.
These are phrases we often hear when talking about websites and how they rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). Does anyone (other than the folks at Google who write the algorithms) really understand how algorithm updates are going to positively or negatively affect every individual website that exists? Probably not. Considering that Google announced they roll out about 500-600 algorithm updates each year, it would be a boisterous claim! There are, however, studies and SEO practices performed that help identify what works and what doesn’t. As 2020 soon approaches, we look into the future and what we think is important to consider for your SEO campaign.
Mobile Friendly is Our Friend
First and foremost, if you do not have a mobile friendly website, why bother? Not only does Google look for this as a ranking factor but it is important for the end user as well. In some cases, we saw 60 – 70% of all website traffic in 2019 come from a mobile device. This is crucial functionality for a website and if you don’t have it, you’re not even a player.
Website Content for You and Me
When writing content, it is important to think about the search intent of a user. What are they looking for? Are they looking for general information or looking into services related to their search query? If you are not thinking about the content from a user’s point of view, then you might consider re-thinking your content strategy. Consider the user, and not the search engine, when writing content. One terrible SEO practice is adding keyword phrases on a page for the purpose of trying to rank for that phrase. Most of the time, these phrases make no sense to the reader and have poor readability.
Shoot a Video
Video content is starting to be more effective at providing key information and helping to increase leads. The average user today would much rather watch video content than read. This is one reason why YouTube has gained in popularity over a short period of time. Videos also rank much faster than textual content. Placing your videos on a branded YouTube channel and embedding them onto your website is a big win.
Do You Even Convert, Bro?
You can drive all the traffic you want to your website, but at the end of the day, how many visitors are converting to customers? There are a few things that help consumers make choices such as reviews, case studies, and simply explaining how your company is different/better than the competition. Place strong calls-to-action and make it easy for them to contact you via contact form, email, or phone. Utilize conversion tracking on your website and link it to your Google Analytics to see where your conversions originate.
These are some very basic concepts of SEO that one could perform on their own site if they have the time and know how to operate their website’s CMS. We suggest you also keep up to date with any changes to Google’s Algorithm. There are many other more advanced SEO concepts that are best to utilize on your website. If you find yourself needing some help, we are always here!
If you or someone you know would like to discuss your digital ad strategy, please feel free to contact us or call us at 713-309-6380.