It’s happened to everyone. You’re scrolling through news article headlines online and you click one that piques your interest. The web browser navigates to the website with said article. You start to read and 3 seconds later, it happens: a video ad pops up, starts playing, and the volume is turned up all the way because you were just listening to your favorite band on Spotify! More than two-thirds of people surveyed regarding internet ads they find annoying would agree that this is in fact, the most annoying type of ad!
By now, you’re saying to yourself, “But my business relies heavily on digital ads. Are my ads annoying people???” We’re here to offer you some peace of mind.
Not all digital ads annoy people.
Digital ads are a cost-effective way to reach your target audience when promoting your goods and services. They also work and provide a great return on investment.
According to a July 2019 study that included both people who utilize an ad blocker application and those that don’t, the following percentage of respondents found different types of digital ads annoying:
- Video ads that play automatically on websites with sound – 66.7%
- Video ads that play automatically on websites without sound – 55%
- Audio ads (on music streaming services or podcasts) – 47.4%
- Ads that show up based on my online searches – 42.4%
Of the remaining ad types, less than 60% of respondents found digital ads annoying. This includes ads that appear during a web search (search ads) and ads that appear on websites for products of services that they had or hadn’t bought (display ads).
Overall, those that use an ad blocker were more likely to find ALL ad types annoying. This should go without saying. The takeaway is that knowing your customer is extremely important when choosing a digital ad strategy. Some types of ads just don’t appeal to everyone.
If you or someone you know would like to discuss your digital ad strategy, please feel free to contact us or call us at 713-309-6380.