Calling all Heating and Air Conditioning providers! If you’re an HVAC company, you likely do some form of advertising. In such a competitive market, if you are not doing some form of traditional or digital advertising, you are likely losing business to your competitors. Whether it be television or radio, PPC, Social Media (such as Facebook), or Local SEO, Brand Ranch Media has proven HVAC marketing strategies that we’d like to share in a multi-part blog series.
HVAC Marketing Competition
If you perform a simple Google search for “ac repair”, you may see up to 8 ads from various HVAC providers on the first page alone depending on your location. If you click to the second page, you might see another 8 ads from completely different HVAC companies. During the hotter months of the year, you will probably begin to see television commercials or hear radio advertisements for HVAC services and new unit offers. The competition is heavy year-round and especially during the Summer months. In order to increase sales numbers year over year, an HVAC company can’t afford NOT to advertise!
Traditional vs. Digital Marketing
Can’t decide whether to run traditional campaigns such as TV and radio or digital campaigns such as PPC or Social Media? The answer depends on a few different factors. The first is conversion tracking. It is very difficult to track the number of leads received from television and radio campaigns. The most effective way of doing this is by utilizing a tracking phone number or custom landing page URL in the commercials. Other than those tracking methods, it is difficult to establish ROI. On the other hand, it is much easier to track performance and prove ROI with digital campaigns. The second factor to consider is budget. For HVAC companies with smaller budgets, we typically recommend the digital route. Digital campaigns are much more cost effective as you can reach more people with less budget and you can track the results. With larger budgets, we recommend a more robust and rounded strategy that includes digital, video, television, OTT/CTV and radio.
When Do I Start?
To answer the question of when to start HVAC campaigns consider the climate, your budget, and the calendar. In a warmer climate, if it’s approaching the start of a new calendar year and the budget is more robust, we recommend starting at the first of the year with a smaller monthly budget and slowly increase the monthly spend so that during the hottest months, you are maximizing the total reach of the campaigns. Once the weather starts to cool, we then recommend a lower monthly spend until the end of the year. If the budget is a bit lower, we might recommend spending all of it during the hottest months of the year in order to compete in the market. No matter the company’s service area or budget, every recommendation is customized in order to ensure optimal performance.
Stay tuned for upcoming articles where we discuss topics specifically related to the HVAC industry for Pay-Per-Click marketing, Social Media and Facebook marketing, Local SEO, and Television and Radio advertising.
For more information on our HVAC marketing services, contact us or give us a call at 713-309-6380. Brand Ranch Media is a full-service advertising agency. We would love to help you achieve all your marketing goals!