Paid Social Media for Home Services

Paid Social Media for Home Services


In our last blog, we discussed how digital marketing campaigns can benefit a home services business. As we continue to deep dive into advertising strategies for home services, let’s look at another piece of the digital marketing pie, paid social media.  Advertising has thrived on social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. If your business does not already utilize social media, you should strongly consider doing so. There is a lot of planning that involved in running successful paid social media campaigns. Today, we are going to break it down for you and answer some questions such as “why it is important”, “how to get started”, and “what are some common mistakes”.

The Importance of Paid Social Media

Social Media is an essential part of business strategy for companies of every size. Traditional advertising such as tv or radio can be very costly upfront. Paid social media is another form of digital advertising that is an inexpensive way to spread brand awareness, target your audience, drive traffic, and bring conversions. In addition, it is much easier to determine what’s working in your advertising efforts with the data you receive from social media campaigns.

Where to Get Started

In order to run an effective social media campaign, you need to determine the campaign objective, target audience, and budget. The objective is your campaign’s goal and how you will measure its success. Objectives of a paid social media strategy include brand awareness, consideration, or conversions. Once you’ve settled on the goal of your campaign, you should determine the target audience. The audience should be tailored based on the message of your campaign. In other words, you will want to be sure that the message of your campaign “speaks” to your specific audience and compels them to take a specific action (your campaigns’ objective). Finally, you will want to select a budget that will be adequate enough to achieve your campaign goal based on the size of your target audience.

Common Mistakes

Your digital campaign efforts need to be balanced in order to achieve your business’s target growth. Campaigns do not necessarily need to target leads and conversions. Prior to making a purchase decision, your customer needs to become aware of your brand, gain interest in your services, and see how your company is better than the competition. An unbalanced advertising effort can often lead to money out of your pockets instead of a positive return on your investment.

Another costly social media advertising mistake can be ending campaigns or making campaign changes without allowing them adequate time to perform. Ads run off of algorithms that require time for them to optimize. They need a few weeks to go through a learning period during which time the algorithm will determine how to best serve the ad to the individuals who are more likely to interact with it. If ad changes are made too often without allowing them to go through learning or optimization, performance can suffer.

Popular home services CRM, Service Titan details the complexity of social media in their blog saying, “One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when devising a social media plan is assuming that it will be quick and easy. Signing up may be quick and easy, but maintaining a robust, engaging social media presence is time consuming and requires thought and consideration.”

Brand Ranch Media is Houston’s most experienced home services marketing agency. We have helped countless home services providers grow their businesses exponentially, consistently driving record-high revenues for our business partners. Get on the path of exponential growth today. Call us at 713-309-6380 or reach out via contact form and let us know how we can help you!

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