Yeah you know me, I’m into everything marketing, including OTT.
OTT, short for Over The Top video, isn’t a new concept, but its relatively new on the local marketing scene. How new? Well even the label of what OTT is isn’t agreed upon by everyone.
For simplicity, its video content served over the internet… Some claim it must be watched on a TV screen, like a smart TV, Roku, or similar internet connected device. Others argue it can be seen on any screen digitally serving video including your tablet, phone, or that refrigerator door with the screen embedded in it. It can be free/advertising based, subscription, or transition based.
Either way the OTT ads served must be watched to completion and can’t be skipped to get straight to the video content the user is seeking. 98% of OTT ads are watched to completion according to ZypMedia.
Services like AppleTV, Hulu, Amazon Fire, Chromecast, Roku, TubiTV and of course NetFlix have all experienced growth.
So why does OTT matter, and how can it help my campaign?
OTT typically excels in Targeting & Reach as a broadcast or cable extension. The cord cutting/cost saving movement is nearing its 15th year now and those audiences that were previously being pushed content over the air were segmented by cable, and have now been segmented even further though channels with custom content that the viewer now seeks out and chooses to watch on their own terms.
If you wanted to reach the masses with broadcast or cable to share your message and offers, the masses simply aren’t as large as they used to be, and you may want to pick up some additional eyes and ears that fit your target audience digitally. And OTT does have additional targeting capabilities because of the digital data available through user devices. Better targeting means the ads are often more relevant,
According to Zypmedia, 53% of “local streamers” find streaming ads are “more relevant to them.” 51% of free, ad supported streamers say the same. And it turns out, nearly 60% of streamers would rather spend time watching commercials in order to watch TV content for free, as opposed to paying money to watch commercial free content. Viewers of OTT are open to receiving ads…
Perhaps much more importantly, advertisers can create unique and interactive shopping experiences for consumers interacting with their smart TV screen or an app serving the video! An OTT campaign can also prioritize viewing on devices that are easy to shop from and help attain a campaigns ecommerce goals in a way that traditional over the air ads never could.
Imagine a video ad showing models in the newest fashion styles flowing in the wind, and upon a click, the viewer can go straight to the ecommerce site selling the same styles shown in the ad. That consumer path to purchase was clean and free of roadblocks, and because OTT is digital, data should be readily available for near real time reporting and campaign transparency.
If you aren’t staying on top of the fast-changing capabilities of new marketing tools like OTT, then partner with an agency that does! If you’re looking to increase your video marketing’s local reach for your targeted audience… if you want your entire ad to be seen for full impact… or would like to customize the interaction with your audience towards a specific goal… contact us today about your campaign goals and OTT. Call our offices directly at 713-309-6380, or leave your comments below.