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Dr. Hotze's Wellness Revolution Is Now Available on Podcast 1

Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution Is Now Available on Podcast

The Other Revolution Podcasts are becoming undeniably more popular, especially as we move into a mobile world. Year-over-year growth rates for podcast listening have steadily risen 10% to 20%, and two-thirds of podcasts are listened to on a mobile device or tablet.  That’s why Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution is moving exclusively to video and audio …

Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution Is Now Available on Podcast Read More »

How Does SEO Help CTR?

How Does SEO Help CTR?

SEO and Click-Through-Rates “Content is King.” “Keyword strings.” “Metadata.” “CTR.” These are phrases that SEOs use to describe various concepts in the world of Search Engine Optimization. But what does this all mean and how do they relate to each other? In other words, how can your SEO content and technical aspects help to improve …

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